Jane Vernon

If you've been to Stroud and seen a large, talkative woman dressed in purple, it's likely to have been me. I've always had plenty to say and that's at the core of my work as an artist. Wrapped up in each piece of work I make, is something I'm passionate about.

My mother was a talented seamstress and my grandmothers both knitted and since I was very young I've wanted to work with fabric and threads. I trained in Dress and Textiles at Bath in the seventies where I specialised in natural dyes, fabric construction and fabric decoration. A career in teaching followed, during which time I began experimenting with hand embroidery and using more vibrant colours. Since leaving college my textiles work has progressed to include fabric painting, machine decoration and other techniques.

One of the materials I have incorporated into textiles pieces is my photographs printed onto fabric and paper. I've been a keen photographer since the age of eight when I was given my first camera and I also sell greetings cards of some of my photographs.

In recent years I have retired from being a potter and have turned to my love of silver. I work with silver clay and paste to make silver jewellery, incorporating colour in many pieces in various ways. I also make colourful plastic jewellery.

My choice of materials is never restricted: the work I make is formed from the ideas, whatever they may be.

Other passions include food and drink and gardening and I believe I can be as much an artist in the kitchen and garden as in the studio.

Colour and texture are the primary inspirations for my work. The person who has influenced me most, across all disciplines, is Zandra Rhodes.

potter's mark

The little symbol above is my 'potter's mark'. It is stamped on the base of the pots I used to make but I also use it to 'sign' my textiles work and on the labels of my greetings cards.