Buying my work



The Cotswold Craftsmen Gallery

I sell textiles, colourful earrings and greetings cards at the Cotswold Craftsmen Gallery.


The Made In Stroud Shop

I sell silver jewellery in the Made In Stroud Shop. They also have an online shop and if anything in the physical shop is not currently online you can request for it to be put on. This means that work can be bought from anywhere in the world.


Direct from me

If you are local to Stroud you can visit my small showroom by appointment. Please contact me to arrange this.

If you are further away we can discuss what you are looking for and whether I have it in stock by phone or email. I can also let you know delivery charges for your location. It may be that you would like to commission something if I don't have what you would like in stock. Please also contact me.